Pella (Tabaqit Fahl)

(The Jewel of the Jordan Valley)

Located approximately 81 km from Amman, about an hour and 40 min drive. With a history extending back into the Bronze Age, Pella is a site favored by archaeologists as it is exceptionally rich in antiquities as well as the excavated ruins from Graeco; Roman period, including the Odeon theatre. It also offers visitors the opportunity to see the remains of a Chalcolithic settlement from the 4th millennium BC, the remains of Bronze and Iron Age walled cities, Byzantine churches and houses, Early Islamic residential quarters, and a small medieval mosque.

You can also see the 6th century West Church, 6th-century Civic Complex Church, 1st-century Odeon, Roman Nymphaeum, and East Church.

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Dream Jordan

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Phone: +962 6 524 96 09

Mob. +962 78 27 84 593


Address: Amman, Abu Nseer – Complex No. 6 - Amman 11821 – Jordan – Office No. 206
