Hijaz Railway Station

View the great collection of working steam locomotives, formerly used as part of a pilgrimage route connecting the Ottoman Empire to Saudi Arabia and an intrinsic part of the Great Arab Revolt in 1918.

For more of an in-depth look at the history of the station make sure to visit the onsite museum.

Are you interested in this tour?

Contact our team, they will be at your service to provide you with a proposal,
We manage and operate a multilingual department

Dream Jordan

We are a company formed by a team with years of experience in the tourism and travel field as well as logistics within Jordan and other countries

Contact Us

Phone: +962 6 524 96 09

Mob. +962 78 27 84 593

Email: info@dream-jordan.com

Address: Amman, Abu Nseer – Complex No. 6 - Amman 11821 – Jordan – Office No. 206
